How A Tree Service Keeps Trees On Your Hotel Attractive And Healthy

Posted on: 17 March 2018

If you operate a hotel or large resort, then you'll need to use the services of a tree company occasionally to keep the trees on your property groomed and healthy. Sick or damaged trees can be a hazard to your guests and they make your property look poorly maintained. Here's how having regular service from a tree company keeps your trees in good shape so they enhance your property.

Storm Preparation

By keeping limbs trimmed and thinned out, trees are able to withstand storms and strong winds. Dead limbs are particularly weak and will fall off during a storm. Falling limbs are a serious hazard to people and cars. They could also damage your property. By having regular tree maintenance, the canopies will be thinned and damaged branches will be removed so the trees can tolerate storms much better. Trimming the trees also keeps them from scraping your roof or side of the building when it rains and the wind blows.

Appearance Enhancement

You want the trees on your property to be as beautiful as possible, and the best way to ensure that is to have them pruned as they grow. Trees can sometimes be unsightly if they get too shaggy or grow in several directions. Removing wild limb growth early on helps the trees grow into a more symmetrical shape. This not only enhances the beauty of the trees, it helps them be more structurally sound. Proper pruning also helps flowering trees and fruit trees produce larger yields so they look more attractive.

Growth Control

An important reason to trim trees on your property is to make sure their growth is contained when necessary. You don't want trees growing too close to any structures or power lines. The bottom branches also need trimmed to leave enough clearance for people to walk under and for delivery vehicles to pass under. While trees growing in nature may be beautiful in their own way, when you have trees on commercial property, you want them well groomed for appearance and safety.

Disease Management

Keeping your trees healthy is important too, or you may have to pay to have a mature tree removed. Proper trimming techniques are necessary for good tree health and that's one good reason to hire professionals to maintain your trees. Also, cutting away dead and sick limbs is important to keep diseases and insect invasions from spreading. A tree service can inspect your trees regularly for signs of bark damage, insects, and diseases so prompt treatment can be given to save the affected trees and to keep the problem from spreading.

Maintaining the grounds of your property is vital to how guests perceive your hotel. In addition to keeping the grass groomed and plants alive and thriving, you'll want regular tree service from professionals, such as Joshua Tree & Landscape Co, that keep your trees healthy and beautiful.


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