3 Common Sense Safety Tips For Your Dumpster Rental

Posted on: 11 October 2021

No matter what you plan to use your dumpster rental for, it's important you and others take steps to remain safe around it. A dumpster of any size can quickly become a hazard if you're not careful. Here are a few safety tips that will keep everyone safe.

1. Never Leave Clutter and Debris Around Your Dumpster

Clutter and debris around a dumpster isn't just an eyesore, it's a hazard and a liability. Someone can easily trip or have an accident if there's a lot of clutter around your dumpster. Clutter can also attract animals looking for some shelter. These animals can startle someone or attack if provoked.

The buildup of stuff outside the dumpster can limit access to the dumpster. That limited access can cause people to take dangerous chances when accessing the dumpster. This is especially true if the positioning of the dumpster can lead to a crushing or confined space hazard.

2. Never Enter or Lean into Your Dumpster

Your dumpster isn't suitable for you or anyone else to lean or jump into. Entering a dumpster of any size can leave someone stuck or incapacitated. Getting into the dumpster or leaning into it to compress the trash can cause the dumpster to tip over, which can lead to very serious injuries.

In addition, the dumpster can contain hazardous items or substances. Even if you never throw such things away, there's the possibility that others did. This is especially true if you have a dumpster accessible to the public. You or someone else can end up with scratches, cuts, infections, and other problems, some of which can last a lifetime.

3. Never Allow Unauthorized Access to Your Dumpster

Limit access to your dumpster as much as you possibly can. Only you or those you authorize should have access to the dumpster. If you can't lock the dumpster or you don't have a lockable enclosure for it, then post signage to warn people against using it.

Make sure those who do have access understand the importance of maintaining the security and safety of the dumpster area. When you allow too many people to access the dumpster, you will end up with a lot of potential hazards. You won't know who's dumping what and can end up with toxic or flammable materials in your dumpster.

When contacting a dumpster service, ask them about any specific safety measures they will expect you to follow. With these tips and the advice of the service, you can rent your dumpster with confidence. 


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